Certificate of Insurance

A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is a form listing the insurance carried by contractors the University does business with. The University also issues COIs for its contractual obligations.The Office of Risk Management does not issue the certificates; we coordinate with the insurance companies, agents and brokers who produce the certificates. Never contact the agent or insurance company directly.
A COI protects the University by confirming that our business partners are able to pay for their insurable liability. The COI is not a legal document. The insurance contract is the enforceable document.

Required Before Requesting a Certificate

First, all agreements and contract documents must be:


  • The University places responsibility with the departments entering into agreements to first assess and consider the risks involved, and
  • You are strongly encouraged to confirm that the contracted activity is approved by the appropriate person(s) in your area and to have your contract reviewed, approved, and signed PRIOR to beginning any activity.
  • Only persons with authority to enter into a legal contract on behalf of the University can sign an agreement. Who has contract signing authority?
  • Once the above requirements have been confirmed and any questions resolved, you are ready to request a certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Certificate of Insurance?

A Certificate of Insurance is a document outlining insurance coverage carried by a third party with whom the University has entered into an agreement or contract. The University also issues Certificates of Insurance for it's contractual obligations. An insurance company, insurance agent or broker typically issues the actual certificates.

Why is a Certificate of Insurance needed?

A Certificate of Insurance protects the University by confirming that our business partners are able to pay for their insurable liability.